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The mission of The Timbuktu Report, is to inform, enlighten, encourage, and correct the misinformation that has been a part of the American educational and historical distribution since the incursion of Europe onto the African and North American Continents.


We commit to bringing accurate well thought out scholarship to this platform so that the healing of our nation and our cultures are fortified with truth, love and solutions.  


We have chosen not to use this platform to point fingers but to draw attention to academic errors and inaccuracies by deconstructing primary and secondary sources and providing best practices and solutions to the ills that plague our nation.





“The Police are supposed to protect and serve.” 
We hear this statement without the historical knowledge that the original southern police departments were slave catching organizations, intended to enforce and protect the laws of the plantocracy and “Jim Crow”.


A well-meaning person can say, “I don’t see color”, without understanding that they are essentially saying that people of color are invisible.  It really is okay to see my color.  The African American’s complexion does make a statement about our heritage, culture, ethnicity and place of origin.  Please, I want you to see my complexion, but view it with love and compassion, understanding that I am a human with feelings just like you.


I have been asked by non-African Americans, what can they do to address their feelings and thoughts that have been birth by living in a world of “white privilege”?  I understand that “white privilege” does not mean that your life has not been without challenges, however, it does mean that your skin is not the cause of your challenges. 


FYI, the phrase “white privilege” is offensive.  On the ears of the African American, it is a cruel reminder of the spilled blood, lynchings and the bodies buried because of skin color.  Please put “WP” on the same ‘do not repeat’ list as the “N” word.


American History and Science have fueled the belief that the Negro did not rank high on the human scale.  From the victorious accounts of colonization to the caging of human, Ota Benga, a small African boy.  In 1906 Benga was on exhibit at the Bronx Zoo, in an iron monkey house cage, with monkeys.  This caging of a human, was sanctioned by the zoological society, intended to scientifically prove the close relations between the Negro and the primal monkey.  Thousands of white people flocked to the Zoo to observe and taunt this very frighten boy.  Under stress, humiliation and degradation, this poor soul committed suicide. 


Anatomical studies of the African woman’s body and her large buttocks, cause Scientist, in 1789, to extrapolate that the African woman was “sexual primitive” and “savage”.


In more recent years here in Florida, it is documented that African American babies were used as gator bait. 

African Americans are continuing to die at the hands of those who embody the DNA of thoughts that the Negro is inferior.  Our death rate reflects that we are also dying under the stresses of being treated as if we were nothing more than “superior pets”. (A term used during slavery)


Truth confirms that science and mathematical equations originated on the Continent of Africa, the birth place of civilization.  The richest man in the history of the world was a King of Timbuktu.


Dr. Rik Stevenson, Professor of African American and African Studies is joining At The WELLnessRadioTV’s efforts to bring about healing through facts and truth.


“I am frequently engaged in conversations about Africa, African Americans and American history.  One of the common threads in those conversations is how under educated we as American are about our history and the underlying causes of smooch racial and social unrest. The omission of facts and untruths is the inspirations for Pamela and me to chronicle this unprecedented historical analysis called “The Timbuktu Report”.


This weekly show, can be viewed on Facebook Live, Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. on At The WELLnessRadioTV FB Pages.  Join us, as we become a change agent in our nation during these very divisive times.  We offer a dose of life changing insightful and healing discussions.

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