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The Art of Forgiveness

The Art of Forgiveness

The Art of Forgiveness is just for you. 

"I believe Forgiveness is the Final Exam of our Lives. 

It is impossible to live in the gifts of our purpose unless we have forgiven.

Remember, it is impossible to hurt other people enough to make your own pain go away.  I plead with you to…Stop…Drop…Pray and Let Go.”

 - Pamela D. Marshall

  • This soul stirring book aids readers in accepting their gift of Peace & Healing thru Forgiveness. The Art of Forgiveness is the Balm of Gilead in a world of unprecedented levels of stress, anger and resentment.


    When anger and resentment rest, rule and abide, unforgiveness hijacks our journey causing debilitating emotional paralysis, more contagious than the worst pandemic imaginable. Justifiable? In our minds...Yes! Absolutely Yes! But what are you leaving on the table of life because of the hurt and pain caused by not forgiving?


    Our Creator promises to give us abundance, even more than we can imagine. Gifts that will make room for us and bring us before men in high places. Why do we allow other injured mortals to block our inheritance? Why do we lead the band of self doubt and self hatred by not forgiving the eyes in the mirror?


    You are not alone in this heart heavy struggle. As you read each page of this book the struggle will become lighter. Your "likeness of God" will return as you empty your bucket of expectations of others and refill your basket with the fragrance from the garden of forgiveness.


    Your healing journey starts now.


    Use voice commands while keeping your hands in the hands of the One who created you for greatness. God's Power and Strength (GPS) equips you with route guidance, even when you take the wrong exit or need to make a legal U-Turn, grace and mercy will gentle guide to the path of the Art of Forgiveness.

  • Pamela D. Marshall is the 11th of 13 children with a passion for sharing her wisdom with children and families as well as corporate communities. She is the Executive Director of At The WELLness Network, a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit, Journalist, Author, Talk Show Host and influential speaker. She accepts her role as a Titus 2:4 woman in spearheading the Sisters Of WELLness Movement, SOW, which includes a weekly Facebook Live Show featuring seasoned women from all walks of life.


    Today she enjoys sharing the healing power of yoga through her “Yoga Is 4Me2 Project” teaching yoga and life skills to children and families in our deserving communities.


    Pamela has been Keynoting for various audiences since she was 17 years old. At age 18, Pamela became the youngest television news anchor for WBBJ TV in Jackson, Tennessee. She later became the first woman and first African American Vice-President of the Greater Memphis Chamber of Commerce, the first woman and the first African American Chief of Staff for the Shelby County Mayor, the first woman and first African American Executive Director of the Memphis Area Association of Governments, and was honored to be interviewed for Under Secretary of The U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development during the President Barack Obama Administration.


    She is also the author of an ebook, The Peace Takes Practice Yoga and Meditation Guide, a certified Bikram Yoga Instructor, a Yoga 2 Life Coach and a Y.O.G.A. For Youth Teacher.


    Watch her weekly WELLnessRadioTV FB Live Shows and listen to her At The WELLnessRadioTV Podcast.


    She is a mom and a grandmother. Pamela lives in Florida with her husband Scott.

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