Becoming an Underwriter for Programming
We are a listener-supported station. As a non-profit station underwriting is an essential element of our radio programs. According to a recent industry survey 79%, of the listening audience, changes their radio station during a commercial break. Underwriters, on the other hand, are often held in higher regard by the listeners. Underwriters are viewed as supporters who helping to provide valuable information, not just another business wanting to sell a product or service. There are many programs that you can support or you may want to underwrite a show that gives information about your business or services that you provide. You can help educate by underwriting shows with a focus on health tips, holistic living, spiritual conferences, travel retreats, yoga training, legal advice, financial WELLness and end of life planning. By underwriting shows giving the listener expert advice, listeners will associate you with providing valuable information and tips that will help empower them to live a better life. You will be provided with a link to embed in all of your social media so your community and the world can see your efforts to educate and inform.
Sponsorship Levels
Underwriting Partner
100US$每 1 個月Become part of our team!有效期 12 個月Contributor