What Are Our Goals:
One of our goals is to take this ancient discipline of Yoga available to people by offering classes to families in public housing communities and other facilities in our deserving communities. In addition to taking Yoga to the people, we plan to build a Yoga studio with donation only Yoga classes every Friday.
We started the Yoga Is4Me2 movement in 2017 in an attempt to help the old and young see the vessel, their bodies in a different way.
Yoga Is4Me2 Movement encourages families to get and stay fit together.
About Us:
At The WELLness Network, Inc. brings the Yoga room to family members of all ages, from one to 92 in our deserving communities. Classes are being offered in community rooms at the Gainesville Housing Authority Public Housing Authority communities, the Boys and Girls Club, Caring and Sharing School and to students in Youth Build.
Our Motto “Yoga Lifts All Minds” is supported by the proven science that a regular Yoga practice improves the body, mind, and spirit. Research has shown that Yoga gives individuals a clear understanding of the connection between the mind, body, and spirit, manifesting in a healthier, calmer, stress-free life.
If you have a body, Yoga is for You.
If you breathe, Yoga is for You.
If you think, Yoga is for You.
Our Mission At The WELLness Network is to bring the healing practice of Yoga to minority women and children while providing access to educational programs that encourage a healthy lifestyle through walking and connecting with nature.
Educate and increase awareness of the negative impacts of stress on our health by offering Yoga classes to families in deserving communities;
Build awareness of the positive impacts of Yoga through stretches, self-care relaxation and peace of mind for the entire family,
Create a space for families to practice Yoga by designing separate adult and youth Yoga rooms; and
Strengthen and build an ATW internal team and infrastructure to optimally support its mission.
We believe Yoga lifts all minds. Good health is physical, spiritual, emotional, mental and financial well-being.
We believe creating a healthy home environment by helping minority women and children focus on nurturing themselves, so they can care for others in their homes and their communities. We believe that good health involves an integration of holistic health practices and western medicine to improve health outcomes. We believe in preventing illness through lifestyle changes, education, self-empowerment, access, appropriate treatments and interventions, and blending solutions that work for minority women and children. We believe that neither lifestyle nor financial and educational status of minority women and children should determine access to a practice of an ancient discipline that explores, develops and integrates the body, mind and spirit. The power of Yoga belongs to all of us.
What's the At The WELLness Network story?
I am the 11th of 13 children. A few years ago, I read a story that proclaimed that we would be the first generation that would not live as long as our parents. I thought, with all of the advances in healthcare, how is that possible? Then in a five year period, my three oldest brothers died. All three of my brothers served in the United States Army. War on the battlefield didn't take their lives. My three brothers are dead because of food-related illnesses. My three brothers died before reaching my parent’s age at the time of their deaths.
As I continued to watch loved ones die, I felt a calling to find leaders in the healthcare and holistic community to help teach us how to take care of the vessel...our bodies. We formed At The WELLness Network, Inc. to help inform men, women, boys, and girls that we can take control of our health through better nutrition, reducing stress and adding yoga and other forms of exercise to our daily lives.
At The WELLness Network, Inc. birthed At The WELLnessRadioTV as a vehicle, a ministry to help free people from the bondage of food and food-related diseases. Our cells do not understand public policy or laws and regulations. Our cells respond to what we put in our mouth, goes down a tube into our stomach and moves through our intestines nourishing or destroying.
At The WELLness Network, is located in the Gainesville Technology and Entrepreneurship Center (GTEC) in East Gainesville, the home of the At The WELLnessRadioTV Show. Our guest covers a range of topics from physical and financial wellness to removing the stigma of mental illness. We are also very pleased to be working with the Alachua County Health Department’s Green Dot, Ending Violence Program. Through the Green Dot Bystander Training program, we will work with the public housing communities to help change the perception and a culture of violence for the families and children living in public housing. We believe that a family’s income should not be a determining factor in having a safe violence-free place to live.
Giving Back to The Community
Our Executive Director, Pamela Koons is a certified Yoga for Youth Instructor. She founded the Yoga Is 4Me2 Program to provide FREE yoga classes, workshops, and retreats for children and families in our deserving communities. She has taken the yoga room to children at the Boys and Girls Club, Gainesville Public Housing, Youth Build, and the SWAG Neighborhood. Koons has seen the evidence that children who participate in a mindfulness practice are less likely to be bullied, less likely to bully, do better in school and live a more peaceful childhood. Yoga classes are also offered to senior citizens and families.